Wisdom About Your Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom About Your Wisdom Teeth

If you’re ready to learn some wisdom about your wisdom teeth, check out this blog from Vibrant Square Dental in Vaughan, Ontario.

What Makes Wisdom Teeth Different?

As you get older, you may begin to develop wisdom teeth, which is a common dental milestone that typically occurs between the ages of 17 and 21. On average, people have four wisdom teeth located in the back of the mouth, which are the widest and toughest teeth for grinding food. However, sometimes these third molars don’t have enough room to emerge, or they may grow at an angle, resulting in impacted teeth. When this happens, it can cause severe dental problems and should be addressed by a dentist.

What Are Potential Issues That Can Be Caused By Wisdom Teeth?

  • Due to wisdom teeth often becoming misaligned or only partially erupting, many people need to have their wisdom teeth extracted. This can lead to severe consequences for the oral area, such as crowding of or damage to neighboring teeth, nerves and the jawbone.

  • Additionally, partially erupted wisdom teeth can allow bacteria to enter beneath the gum line and cause infections, swelling, jaw stiffness or pain. Furthermore, these types of teeth are more vulnerable to cavities and gum disease as they are difficult to clean with brushing and flossing.

  • However, it is important to note that if wisdom teeth are healthy and correctly aligned, there is no need to remove them.

How Can I Know If My Wisdom Teeth Are Healthy And Aligned?

Dentists recommend regular x-rays to monitor the development of wisdom teeth. Even if the teeth seem to be forming normally, what’s happening below the gum line may be a different story. Although some people experience no pain or discomfort when their wisdom teeth are impacted, our dentists suggest having them removed before any issues arise. This may seem unnecessary, but wisdom tooth extraction can be much simpler and less painful when done before the teeth are fully developed and the bone density is low.

How Are Wisdom Teeth Removed?

The removal of a patient’s wisdom teeth depends on the location and development stage of the teeth. If the teeth have fully erupted, they can be removed like any other tooth. On the other hand, if the teeth are still under the gum tissue and embedded in the jawbone, a more surgical method is necessary. The surgeon will make an incision in the gum, and remove the part of the bone that is covering the tooth. In many cases, the tooth will be cut into smaller pieces before being removed. Wisdom tooth extraction is a safe and quick outpatient procedure that takes approximately one hour and patients will be given medication to reduce post-surgery discomfort.

Vibrant Square Dental Offers Sedation Dentistry For Your Comfort

At Vibrant Square Dental, no syringes have to be involved to administer anesthesia prior to our patients’ treatment. We will insert a tip between your tooth and a gum line, dripping in anesthetic only to the tooth that is being treated. It takes just 2 minutes for the tooth to be safely numb – we can start and finish your treatment much sooner. With this type of anesthesia, you can expect to leave your appointment without a frozen cheek, lip, or tongue.

You Are In Good Hands With Vibrant Square Dental

At Vibrant Square Dental, we provide tooth extraction services and work to ensure a comfortable, pain-free experience. When the tooth requires more extensive means of extraction, our dentists can provide oral surgery to remove the affected tooth and provide alternatives for treatment. During the recovery stage, extra care and follow-up appointments will be used to help keep track of our patient’s health and make sure the area heals correctly.

For patients in Vaughan, Ontario, consider Vibrant Square Dental for the best in general dentistry and family dentistry, and all your cosmetic and restorative needs. For an appointment, call us today at 905-553-3004.

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Vibrant Square Dental values the personal relationships that we have with our patients. With your comfort and care as our first priority, we make it easy to get the treatment that you need! Our team stays abreast of the latest trends and technology to ensure that patients receive only the absolute best care.

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New Patients Welcome!

Vibrant Square Dental values the personal relationships that we have with our patients. With your comfort and care as our first priority, we make it easy to get the treatment that you need! Our team stays abreast of the latest trends and technology to ensure that patients receive only the absolute best care.