New Year, New Smile: 5 Dental Health Resolutions

New Year, New Smile - 5 Dental Health Resolutions

If you’re wondering what dental health resolutions you can make for the new year, look no further than this blog from Vibrant Square Dental.

What Are 5 Dental Health Resolutions I Can Make To Support My Smile During The New Year?

  • Visit the dentist twice a year–once every six months

  • Eat a more teeth-friendly diet

  • Try an electric toothbrush

  • Professionally whiten your teeth

  • Invest in your smile

Why Is It Important To Visit The Dentist Twice A Year?

Even if you are diligent about brushing twice a day and flossing at least once, it’s important to go to the dentist every 6 months for a checkup. The start of the New Year is the perfect opportunity to catch up on your oral routine and get your teeth looked at, especially if you’ve had a chance to indulge over the holiday season.

Your dental professional will be able to thoroughly clean your teeth and examine your overall dental health. If any issues are found, they can be identified early on before they become serious. Even patients who aren’t experiencing a toothache shouldn’t skip a regular appointment. After all, your dentist has the expertise necessary to catch anything you might have missed and give you a professional clean that you can’t achieve at home.

What Is A More Teeth-Friendly Diet?

If you want to keep your teeth healthy and strong, you can watch what you eat and drink. Consuming too much soda, alcohol, and snacks can lead to cavities and discolor your smile. To protect your teeth, you can adjust your diet to include more vegetables, fruits, water, and milk.

Calcium is essential for strong and healthy teeth, along with a strong jaw bone. To ensure proper calcium absorption, make sure to include foods such as eggs, sardines, salmon, and mackerel in your diet, as they are all rich in Vitamin D. Anyone who is lactose-intolerant can enjoy yogurt, kefir, and tofu. Salmon with bones and canned sardines are not only abundant in calcium but are also a good source of Vitamin D. If you don’t have a nut allergy, you can reap the rewards of the calcium and Vitamin D present in almonds and peanuts, amongst other nuts.

Can An Electric Toothbrush Be More Effective Than A Manual Toothbrush?

When it comes to picking a new toothbrush, the choice between a manual and an electric toothbrush comes down to personal preference. It’s perfectly possible to get an efficient clean with a manual toothbrush. But, if you’re in the market for a new toothbrush, certain factors should be taken into consideration.

People with arthritis or mobility issues, for instance, may find that electric toothbrushes are more convenient. Additionally, electric toothbrushes can come at a higher cost than manual toothbrushes, as the bristles need to be changed regularly. Nevertheless, many people deem the extra cost to be worthwhile, as electric toothbrushes can be more effective for their brushing needs. Even if you decide you’d rather stick with a manual toothbrush, remember: you should still toss the old one and get a fresh toothbrush every 3-4 months.

Why Choose A Professional Whitening Treatment Over Over-The-Counter Options?

If you’re looking to brighten your smile, consider going to your dentist. Not only can your dentist help you achieve a level of brightness you can’t get from a mass-produced product at your local superstore or pharmacy, but you can trust the process to be completely safe. Having a brighter, whiter smile can give you an extra boost of confidence and make a great first impression. You may even look more youthful with a beautiful smile.

Teeth whitening can be an investment in yourself that can be useful on important occasions as well as in everyday life. If you haven’t been taking great care of your teeth, teeth whitening can be your chance to start fresh and begin a better oral hygiene routine. The more you appreciate your smile, the more worthwhile it will be to take care of it.

How Can I Invest In A Smile Makeover?

At Vibrant Square Dental, we have a variety of restorative and cosmetic treatments designed to give you a brand-new smile, including Invisalign, dental implants, and veneers. If you have gaps or misalignment issues in your teeth, Invisalign can be a great solution. Dental implants and other treatments can help replace missing teeth, while veneers can make your teeth look brighter and more vibrant. For patients in Vaughan, Ontario, look no further for the best in general dentistry and family dentistry, and all your cosmetic and restorative needs. For an appointment, call us today at 905-553-3004.

New Patients Welcome!

Vibrant Square Dental values the personal relationships that we have with our patients. With your comfort and care as our first priority, we make it easy to get the treatment that you need! Our team stays abreast of the latest trends and technology to ensure that patients receive only the absolute best care.

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New Patients Welcome!

Vibrant Square Dental values the personal relationships that we have with our patients. With your comfort and care as our first priority, we make it easy to get the treatment that you need! Our team stays abreast of the latest trends and technology to ensure that patients receive only the absolute best care.